Biodiversity and Environment — General Information

Sustainable food production is critical to the resilience of tropical agriculture so as to prevent compromising natural biodiversity and ecosystems. This theme was selected due to UFV recognized expertise and competence in scientific production and training of human resources in the field of Biodiversity and Environment. In addition, UFV is the oldest and largest teaching, research and extension institution, with its headquarters in the Mata Atlântica Biome, located in the Rio Doce Basin. This basin is a hydrographic compartment of great relevance for the conservation of biodiversity, water and genetic resources. Its strategic location in the heart of the Atlantic Forest Biome and its tradition and vocation for state-of-the-art research are factors that attract groups of international collaborators in Biodiversity studies applied to sustainable tropical agriculture and preservation of the environment.  The consolidation of the internationalization of research and graduate programs focused on Biodiversity is fundamental for UFV international recognition and increased ability to attract research resources. In addition, internationalization is fundamental to maintain the level of excellence of these graduate programs.


  • Promoting short term courses and / or regular classes for graduate programs to be conducted at the UFV by international professors in partnership with our faculty.
  • Training human resources with international experience in Biodiversity and Environment.
  • Developing Biodiversity and Environment joint research projects with international groups.
  • Consolidating international partnerships in Biodiversity and Environment through the granting of scholarships for sending UFV faculty as visiting professors to an international institution and hosting international visiting professors at UFV


Graduate Programs

  • Cellular and Structural Biology

  • Botany

  • Forestry Science

  • Agricultural Engineering

  • Entomology

  • Soil and Plant Nutrition

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